Saturday, September 4, 2010

10 Easy Ways to Collect Email Addresses Fast

1. Today you MUST have a Newsletter and Email System (they are as cheap as $15 per month and offer a TON of services - I have included some links to the best ones below - check them out - They all have Free trials!)
2. Put a tempting offer on the back of your business cards to get people to sign up for your newsletter.
3. Put a newsletter sign-up link in your signature so it is included in ALL your emails.
4. Send an link to the sign-up page for your Newsletter to everyone in your email address list.
5. You can create a fan page on FaceBook and offer your free newsletter there.
6. Add a "Forward To A Friend" button on your newsletter pages
7. Train your employees to collect email addresses.
8. Give a Free Gift in exchange for their email. This could be a free Ebook, Tips sheet, Calendar, Video, Discount, etc.
9. Get Referrals - Give your customers a discount or gift when they get a friend to sign up for your Free Newsletter.
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - Have you optimized your site for your keywords that relate to your business? This will get you more FREE traffic and more sign-ups for your newsletter (check my other articles for tips in this area!) 

BONUS IDEA!:   Put a fish bowl (or box) on your counter and at other businesses to collect email addresses on their Prize/Offer giveaway form.

Best places to get a low-cost high-quality 
Email Newsletter Distribution system
(These are the BEST I have ever found!)

These systems all offer a FREE trial ... so you can feel comfortable checking  them out!

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