Monday, September 6, 2010

Internet Marketing Tips: How to Use Alt Tags to Boost SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Use these simple techniques to GREATLY boost your “SEO” (Search Engine Optimization) and drive more traffic and sales to your site. This can really raise your page ranking in Google, Yahoo, MSN and other search engines.
Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...ALT (tags) literally stand for “Attributes,” It tells the viewer what they would be seeing if your image actually appeared. But, you can put whatever you want in this description tag that best suits your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) needs. So always try to get your chosen keywords into these descriptions.
So if I have a picture of a briefcase on my website ( the ALT tag might read: “Advanced Training Seminars, St. Petersburg, FL, training, seminars – Briefcase”. See how I got my keywords in there (sometimes twice – clever, huh?) and put the actual item viewed last? Also be sure to name your picture something that has your keywords in it too (This will help boost your “SEO” and your “Search Engine Ranking”. So lets review:
  • Use ALT Tags
  • Include Keywords in ALT Tags
  • Put Keywords into the image name
ADDED BONUS! Using the strategy will also get your images listed in the “image search engines.” This could lead to more people who are searching for images checking out your site too!
That’s your “Small Business Internet Marketing Tip” for the day! – Paul Cline
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Saturday, September 4, 2010

10 Easy Ways to Collect Email Addresses Fast

1. Today you MUST have a Newsletter and Email System (they are as cheap as $15 per month and offer a TON of services - I have included some links to the best ones below - check them out - They all have Free trials!)
2. Put a tempting offer on the back of your business cards to get people to sign up for your newsletter.
3. Put a newsletter sign-up link in your signature so it is included in ALL your emails.
4. Send an link to the sign-up page for your Newsletter to everyone in your email address list.
5. You can create a fan page on FaceBook and offer your free newsletter there.
6. Add a "Forward To A Friend" button on your newsletter pages
7. Train your employees to collect email addresses.
8. Give a Free Gift in exchange for their email. This could be a free Ebook, Tips sheet, Calendar, Video, Discount, etc.
9. Get Referrals - Give your customers a discount or gift when they get a friend to sign up for your Free Newsletter.
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - Have you optimized your site for your keywords that relate to your business? This will get you more FREE traffic and more sign-ups for your newsletter (check my other articles for tips in this area!) 

BONUS IDEA!:   Put a fish bowl (or box) on your counter and at other businesses to collect email addresses on their Prize/Offer giveaway form.

Best places to get a low-cost high-quality 
Email Newsletter Distribution system
(These are the BEST I have ever found!)

These systems all offer a FREE trial ... so you can feel comfortable checking  them out!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

SEO Tips For Small Business Owners (Part 1)

Start with Great Keywords! Don't try to rank for single keywords like "Dentist," this is just too generic and you will literally be competing with millions of websites. Use what are called "long tail keywords," phrases that contain 3-4 words that form a phrase/search term. An example would be "Tampa Dental Offices."
This will give you two huge benefits:
1) A much higher search engine ranking and a higher position on the search engine pages.
2) Your website visitors will be much more likely to be looking for what you are selling and more interested in buying.