Saturday, October 17, 2009

How to Beat Sleep Problems & Insomnia

Have insomnia? Just want to get a better nights sleep? Try these tips and I think you will see that they can make a huge difference. Take it from me as a Therapist, these strategies work!

Avoid alcohol, caffeine, chocolate and high sugar intake. Do this at least 6 hours before bed.

Herbal supplements, valerian root, kava and melatonin all work great! Sleepy Time tea or chamomile tea also works for some.

Prepare the room. Goldilocks was right! Not to hot. Not to cold. Just right! A cold room tenses your muscles and irritates your system, waking you. A room that is even 2-3 degrees too warm can subtly dehydrate you, and wakes you to get a drink.

Make sure the room is as free of sound and light as possible. The smallest amount of sound, or even the tiniest amount of light is known to wake people who are sensitive.

Get your head examined! Many people with sleep problems also suffer from anxiety, depression, addiction, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sleep apnea, etc. They wonder why they can’t solve their sleep problems, and the answer is that you have to solve the other problems first. Writers shy away from this obvious topic, I have not seen one writer mention it yet in my lifetime! They are cheating you and lying to you by omission. Get to a Therapist to get checked out if you suspect you may have any psychological problems, and then take care of them.

We should prepare for sleep. Don’t do anything stimulating for at least 30 minutes before bed. Sorry, that includes TV and the computer. Read a book for God’s sake! Do something relaxing, meditate, write a letter, go for a walk, just sit and reflect, listen to some soft music, take a warm bath, you know the drill.

Keep to a sleep schedule, go to bed and get up at the same time each day. Its hard at first, but sleep is a CYCLE, it needs uniformity and predictability. Don’t take naps either, this throws off the cycle, and is one of the worst things you can do if you have a sleep problem.

Avoid sleep medication, these are for people who rarely have sleep problems (once a week or less). Is this you? Sleep meds give you a better nights sleep tonight and a worse nights sleep tomorrow. The total result is you lose more sleep with the meds than without if you have serious insomnia, not just occasional sleep trouble. Don’t play this game.

Try self-hypnosis CDs. If you can find a good one, they work great! They perfectly relax you and encourage even better sleep the next night. Many people who don’t respond to anything else find that this works for them.

Avoid Arguments before bedtime, they will keep your mind buzzing all night. If you have an “obsessive thought” you just can’t get rid of, write it down and put it on the night stand. Many people find that this helps them let go of the thought. Little known fact: it is impossible to sleep while you are thinking.

By: Paul Cline. I sincerely hope this helps you, a loved one or a family member, for more Free resources, visit my website at:


  1. I have a problem sleeping when I go to bed angry because my neighbor lets his dog crap on my yard and doesn't clean it up-despite the fact there is an ordinance in Pinellas County. I also get irritated when he lets said dog run off leash without regard for the fact that it or someone else could be injured when Pinellas County also has a leash law. Putting some of your education and dynamic people skills to good use can keep one from becoming known as the the jerk of the neighborhood.

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